
Mirror Mirror on the wall

Who’s the fairest of them all?

You’ve seen the faces, young and old

The meek and silent, loud and bold


Mirror Mirror, only you

Can do the things no man can do

You see the things no man can see

You see the deepest part of me


Mirror Mirror, cold and glass

Not a figure just can pass

Without a glance, a peek, a look

You read them like an open book


Mirror Mirror you can’t lie

No alias or alibi

No silent questions, doubtful thoughts

No racing mind that can’t be caught


Mirror Mirror, don’t you care?

Before your glass my soul lies bare

My darkest secrets, memories

Now yours to do with what you please


Mirror Mirror you’re the one

I turn to when the day is done

The last one that I see at night

The first one in the morning light



So tell me Mirror, what to do

Which path to follow, which is true

What chances have I thrown away?

What countless errors have I made?


Oh Mirror Mirror if I wake

So early with the morning’s break

Will you remain so cold and clear

To make the nightmares disappear?


Mirror Mirror why oh why

Must you in silence always lie?

If you could speak I’m sure you would

Give me advice so pure and good


So Mirror Mirror one last time

I’ll say that worn out, clichéd rhyme

And maybe now you’ll hear my plea

And then awake and answer me



Mirror Mirror in the wall

Who’s the fairest of them all?





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